GREENZINE is about living green. We feel we are on a great quest pursuing the greatest mission of our lives for our planet, our home and our future. For most of us that means learning to live a sustainable lifestyle. Greenzine is all about bringing the tools, information and expertise together to help each of us and all of us, create a sustainable future in our lives and on the planet. We believe the answers to our planets problems can be crowd sourced by working together with that common vision in mind. The world of informed and inpired possibilities is before us and we intend to explore that world with you.
OUR VISION - Conceived by our host and environmental visioneer Garnet McPherson and created by a dedicated group of content creators, Greenzine is a non-profit digital media initiative dedicated to making a positive difference in facilitating our Eco culture. Our vision is simply to assist in the creation of a sustainable and healthy society, and our mission is to be constantly on the look out for what’s new in our evolving green culture so they can share it with you.
OUR VISION - Conceived by our host and environmental visioneer Garnet McPherson and created by a dedicated group of content creators, Greenzine is a non-profit digital media initiative dedicated to making a positive difference in facilitating our Eco culture. Our vision is simply to assist in the creation of a sustainable and healthy society, and our mission is to be constantly on the look out for what’s new in our evolving green culture so they can share it with you.

CREATING A SUSTAINABLE CULTURE - If we want life on earth to thrive we need to transition to a sustainable culture. All of us alive in this planet are currently writing the next chapter in the history of humanity with the choices we are making now. The human population is so plentiful and powerful that we are defining what "life on earth" will look like in the future. The story of mankind's presence on earth will be shaped by the culture we are creating now. Our ability to survive as a species may very well depend on our success at creating a sustainable culture in our time.
Garnet McPherson created the Greenzine to explore how we can take care of each other, and the world we live in. Here we want to examine how the natural world can not just survive the impact of humans' unconcious choices, but thrive because of our conscous ones.
At the Greenzine, we look to share stories and interview people who have environmental insights and ideas to explore. We want to inform, engage and inspire eco initiatives and that is the reason the Greenzine exists. This platform is for whats important to you, your life, your family, your world.
Garnet McPherson created the Greenzine to explore how we can take care of each other, and the world we live in. Here we want to examine how the natural world can not just survive the impact of humans' unconcious choices, but thrive because of our conscous ones.
At the Greenzine, we look to share stories and interview people who have environmental insights and ideas to explore. We want to inform, engage and inspire eco initiatives and that is the reason the Greenzine exists. This platform is for whats important to you, your life, your family, your world.

THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES OF OUR TIME - We want to explore the most important issues of our time. There has been no point in history when mankinds choices can make such an important difference to our future. All around us, we can see the devistating impacts of un-informed human activity has had on our planet. Unfortunetly we have collectily caused dramatic changes to eco systems that we infact depend upon. We all know there has to be a better way.
WE KNOW IT IS TIME TO CHANGE OUR WAYS - We are all becomeing more aware that the future depends and changes we make today. It is perhaps fair to say that most of us also agree on the why this is important. But if we want to succeed with the big challenges we are facing, we need to talk about the details of the what, where, when and who behind achieving the changes we need in our culture. So each piece in important. When it comes to solutions there is no "small talk". Every solution is a big peice of the puzzle.
GREEN IDEAS CAN HAVE BIG IMPACTS - Please speak to us about any solutions that can have an positive impact. Share what or who inspires you. Talk about what you care about. Big or small we want to talk about solutions. If you have little tips that can green the way we live, this is the place to share it. If you have an idea or tip that can help others, that is important. It is in fact all the little things we do each day that will eventually changes our culture. We want to talk to creative problem solvers. We want to be sharing solutions so if you have one, please share it.
WE KNOW IT IS TIME TO CHANGE OUR WAYS - We are all becomeing more aware that the future depends and changes we make today. It is perhaps fair to say that most of us also agree on the why this is important. But if we want to succeed with the big challenges we are facing, we need to talk about the details of the what, where, when and who behind achieving the changes we need in our culture. So each piece in important. When it comes to solutions there is no "small talk". Every solution is a big peice of the puzzle.
GREEN IDEAS CAN HAVE BIG IMPACTS - Please speak to us about any solutions that can have an positive impact. Share what or who inspires you. Talk about what you care about. Big or small we want to talk about solutions. If you have little tips that can green the way we live, this is the place to share it. If you have an idea or tip that can help others, that is important. It is in fact all the little things we do each day that will eventually changes our culture. We want to talk to creative problem solvers. We want to be sharing solutions so if you have one, please share it.
We are creating the future of mankind with the decisions we are making now. It is the responsibility for every human being to be consider the consequences of our choices. Human population has such a powerful influence on earths' Eco systems. we will in fact make or break their future. What most people don't seem to realize is that our very life support systems on this planet are threatened by choices we are making. So at this point in human history it seems there are simply no unimportant decisions. We are now on an environmental tight rope and will only get one shot at getting the balance right. If we in fact succeed, it will only be a result of the careful, thoughtful choices that we have to make today. - Garnet McPherson
Empower yourself with our sustainable living webinars or coaching sessions. Greenzine offers workshops, seminars, courses, field trips as well as personal training programs covering a wide range on sustainable living and natural health subjects. Our host Garnet McPherson has been designing courses and developing eco curiculum for decades and has assembled a team of instructors that offer empowering insights and practicle ideas for developing a sustainable lifestyle.
Our programs are designed to provide the foundation for the creation of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that can enhance not only your health but enrich your experiance of living life to its fullest. The Greenzine offers workshops, courses and virtual coaching with some of the best trainers from the Natural Health Network, My Go To Experts, and the Earthwalk Sustainable Living Center.
Just review our list of upcoming and proposed workshops and let us know which ones you would be interested in participating in. Because of the pandemic we are working on converting our programming from workshops to webinars and we can keep you abreast of the details of available webinars as our online programing evolves. Most workshops are designed for small groups but may also available in individual coaching sessions.
Empower yourself with our sustainable living webinars or coaching sessions. Greenzine offers workshops, seminars, courses, field trips as well as personal training programs covering a wide range on sustainable living and natural health subjects. Our host Garnet McPherson has been designing courses and developing eco curiculum for decades and has assembled a team of instructors that offer empowering insights and practicle ideas for developing a sustainable lifestyle.
Our programs are designed to provide the foundation for the creation of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that can enhance not only your health but enrich your experiance of living life to its fullest. The Greenzine offers workshops, courses and virtual coaching with some of the best trainers from the Natural Health Network, My Go To Experts, and the Earthwalk Sustainable Living Center.
Just review our list of upcoming and proposed workshops and let us know which ones you would be interested in participating in. Because of the pandemic we are working on converting our programming from workshops to webinars and we can keep you abreast of the details of available webinars as our online programing evolves. Most workshops are designed for small groups but may also available in individual coaching sessions.
Sustainable Living Bio Diversity Preserving Habitats Permaculture The Village Green Eco Education Eco Tourism, The Healthy Home Emergency Preparedness Wilderness Survival HEALTH & WELLNESS Total Health Plan Total Health Diet Healthy Lifestyles Healthy Relationships Getting Your ZZZZ’s The Art of Balance Weight Management Living With Diabetes Allergy Solutions ECO TRANSPORT Lower Your Emissions Electric Vehicles, Electric Tractors, Electric Garden Tools Bio Fuel Transport |
Conservation Works Solar Energy Solutions Wind Energy Solutions Small Hydro Solutions Bio Mass Energy Bio Fuel Production Heating With Wood Masonry Heaters Solar Air Conditioning GREEN THUMBS Organic Food Production Companion Planting Earthly Gold – Compost Verma-Composting Greenhouse Designs Eco Landscaping Pond Management Woodlot Management GREENING BUSINESS Sustainable Enterprise Eco Business Ops Green Home Business Tele Commuting Tips Green Purchasing Green Energy Solutions |
Sustainable Home Design Green Energy Planning Passive Solar Design Active Solar Heating Solar Hot Water Heat Recovery Systems Water Technologies Healthy Home Construction Earthship Shelters FOOD FOR THOUGHT The Whole Foods Diet Cooking with Heart Healing Foods Nutrition & Health Therapeutic Supplements Pure Water Solutions Storing Your Food Cold Cellars ECO FIELD TRIPS Eco Village Tour Renewable Energy Tour Organic Farm Tour Green Expo Eco Arts Tour Eco Home Tour |
ATTEND GREENZINE U - Just fill out the inquiry form below and list the Webinars or Coaching subjects you are interested in.

BE PART OF THE GREENZINE By Contributing Your Green Tips. - If you are interested in supporting green culture or joining our Green Team don't hesitate to contact us with your green ideas. We invite you to get involved and contribute to our message of sustainability. So make suggestions about who we should interview. If you have articles, photos or video, or even a tip about an eco focused story, contact our host and editor Garnet McPherson. If you have an experience or idea to share, submit it to us and share it with others in our growing community. Enter our photo contest to win great prizes. Ask a question and we will look into the answers. Be part of the Greenzine and be the change! It all boils down to making better choices and if you can help people do that, please share. There are many ways to impact on our future and many ways to make a difference.
The Greenzine is about you and your journey into sustainable and healthy living.
The Greenzine is about you and your journey into sustainable and healthy living.
Ideas? Insights? Drop Us A Note Or Simply
Call Us at MAGI Communications 888-844-3444 x7 |
The Greenzine is about Croud Sourcing Solutions. Creating a green culture takes time and unfortunetly we don't have a lot of time to turn things around. It will take many hands, many minds and many initiatives to weave sustainability into everything we do. We need everyone to do what they can. If you think you can help in any way please let us know.
If you are looking for ideas or inspiration about an eco challenge. Ask a question and we will look into the answers. Be part of the Greenzine and be part of the change!
Drop Us A Note Or Simply Call Us
at MAGI Communications 888-844-3444 x7 |
WITH GRATITUDE - We want to thank our sponsors who support our efforts and our contributors who bring you new and fresh perspectives on the green scene, a talented group of individuals from coast to coast with exceptional experience and expertise in practical ways in which to live in concert with our environment. We also want to thank our sponsors that support our efforts to bring you the information and inspiration we need to green our lives and our future. We also gratefully and respectfully acknowledges that our activities take place on unceeded First Nations territories. We acknowledge and are saddened by the on-going impact of colonization and we are grateful for the environmental awarenes and teachings of First Nations culture.
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"The MAGI"